Megapixel is a term used a lot by everyone now a day, but before we go into Megapixel, let’s understand Pixel first. Pixel is a word derived from Picture Elements. A pixel...
When you press the button of the camera to take picture you hear a distinctive familiar sound which is nothing but the sound of the shutter movement. A shutter is a curtain...
An action camera or action-cam is a digital camera designed for filming action while being immersed in it. Action cameras are therefore typically compact and rugged, and waterproof...
Understanding of shutter speed is very essential in order to achieve perfect exposure. However the shutter speed can also be used in a creative way to express your image....
Aperture is one of the three components in Exposure Triangle. Aperture is the opening of a lens’s diaphragm through which light passes to the sensor. When you press the shutter...
On September 12, 2008, Panasonic announced the G1, a micro four thirds camera based on the 4/3 sensor in Olympus DSLR’s. This was the first of what we now call Mirrorless...
In photography there is a term called fringing which can affect your photographs and can be distracting at times. The appropriate term for fringing is Chromatic Aberration....
ISO or International Standards Organisation is basically the sensitivity of light of your sensor which results the exposure of your image. The ISO is measured in numbers typically...
Lens Diffraction in photography results to the softening of image as you use smaller and smaller f stops. As you stop your lens down to smaller f stops like f/16, f/22, f/32...
Normally I don’t believe in New Year resolutions. But when 2017 started, I thought of exploring at least one place each month which involves little bit or moderate trek....
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